Final Pope comment...
During ITV's magisterial coverage of all things papal last Friday; the anchorman got a tad carried away with the occasion. It might have been because of the presence of His High Highness, Tony Blair, his windy-wafted locks and his wife, the virgin Cherie. It might have been Robert Mugabe's handshake to Charlie Windsor "Yo, Chaz, you and your lovely new wife, Cammy must come over to our house sometime".........
But most probably, it's because the anchor man is a total, non bible-reading wally.
For those of you that missed it, he said "This must surely be the biggest day in Christianity - ever"...
Hmmmmm.... bigger than the virgin birth, bigger than loaves and fishes, bigger than the resurrection?
Alfie - I spotted that as well. I said to the wife "Where does that leave the crucifixion?"
What a load of old cock.
PS Your link to me is out of date. It now points to a porn site I think.
Just the sort of dumb comment you'd expect from ITV news.
I'm finding their election campaign coverage absolutely rivetting.
Good Lord. Who was the moron responsible for that line?
Ahhhh Fuck! Why oh why did I miss that?
But if you accept the Bible as a work of fiction then he probably wasn't far wrong if he was dealing with matters of fact.
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