Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The ‘Typhoid Mary’ of the blogging world…..

Last night I updated my ‘blogging list. ‘Pasted in some new contacts – and deleted the ones that have become as dead as dodo.blogspot…. ’A blogged drain’…… ‘Just pop it in then’……. ‘The blogging bard’ ……. ‘Hidden ranting’ …. These, amongst many, many others have all ceased to be. And as the legendary Norwegian Blue Parrot, they are no more, deceased, kicked the bucket, expired, pushing up daisies, croaked, snuffed-it ex-blogs.

Whilst doing this little exercise, it occurred to me that an awful lot of the people I originally had on my list have jacked it in, or gone to the great bloggerama in the sky… Just like Typhoid Mary in New York in the 1920’s – all those around her dropped dead from the virus Mary carried within, whilst she probably thought she only had a bit of a personal hygiene problem…..

Judging by my deletions list, I seem to be a bit like that – a bit of a Jonah. A bit of a bad luck, black spot, bad karma dude. What all you new linkees have to ask yourselves is "Do you really feel lucky?" – and if you do, will I put the evil-eyed curse of closure onto your blog?

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


World’s first ‘Pooh-sticks’ circuit opened by the Queen in Hyde Park this morning.

"Simply astonishing", said Christopher Robin. "This’ll really put ‘Pooh-stickery’ on the map. For too long now, ‘Pooh-sticks has been associated with fat-arsed bears, bouncy tigers and sad donkeys….. This is just the sort of thing that’ll sex up our sport for the good. The circuit's really tricky - rapids, bubbly bits and gravity - it's all there for the trooh-pooh enthusiast".

The first ‘Pooh-stick’ Grand Prix is scheduled for next month.

For Sale: Good franchising opportunity

Ever thought of franchising? It’s profitable, cost effective and fun to do! Unique opportunity to invest in ‘Pooh-stick’ stalls, ‘Pooh-stick stick-pins, ‘Pooh-stick’ plastic poo and ‘Pooh-stick pogo sticks –

Apply to Christopher Robin, Hundred Acre Wood.