Did I really hear that?…..
On Friday, we took Stuey, our 3rd alfalfa to the excellent 'Fox' pub in Roby Mill for a celebratory meal. He had done very well in his GSCE exams - so we decided to indulge in a bit of family 'very well done-ery'.
When we got there - you could hardly move for proud parents treating their brilliant offspring to a pub meal as reward for doing very well in their exams. Looks like everyone's brilliant and everyone's done really well …… Hoorah!
We elbowed our way to a table and a 'waiter on-erer' came over to take our order. Alfreda was having 'beef'.
Did the waiter on-erer then say "What about the Yorkshire Pudding?"
Did Alfreda reply "I don't know what he wants - and anyway, he's not from Yorkshire, he comes from Liverpool"
I just don't know - but there was a hell of a lot of giggling going on amongst the littleuns…..