Drinking from the Entente Cordial….
Did I really say that.
Did I?
I think I did.
I met a nice French lady yesterday for a business meeting. I had to get to where she was sharpish-like as she could only see me for an hour before catching a flight back to Paris. Her English was immaculate, her dress-sense sophisticated - all in all, she was just so cool, calm and professional. The business done I stood up, thanked her and shook her hand….
Just then, I thought how nice it would be if I could say something in French to her. My mind trolled back to all the Cointreau adverts I’d seen, back to my best CSE French reference books, back to those black and white Jean-Paul Belmondo movies of the sixties…. What could I say to her?
Of course, brilliant…
"Mademoiselle, zank you verhee much for zeeing me. Ah would lake to wish you a very ‘appy bon voyage back to la belle Fransay"
She looked at me like I was a weirdo who had just oh-deed on extra strong weirdo pills.
Maybe she didn’t understand my accent?… Funny, but I thought everyone in France talked like Inspector Clouseau…
Erm..maybe Alfie, she thought you were taking 'le piss'
Red Fred
Dropped yourself right in the merde by the sound of it.
Surely you could have mentioned something about the dog playing in the garden with a ball?
Aah wheel zay zeese onlee vance...
I can't resist coming back to this...you could have tried summat like
'But my leetle french cabbage.....'
Or turnip..??
at least you didn't say, 'voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?'
you didn't, did you?
...and at least you didn't say 'Voulez-vous donner a moi, une shag'
You didn't did yer?
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