(and a crap flag design)

Anthony H Wilson, bon vivant, enfant mediocre of the ‘Madchester’ movement, founder of Factory Records and The Hacienda Club has found a new bandwagon to jump onto.
Style guru, Anthony has teamed up with Peter Saville, the guy that used to design album covers for New Order, Stone Roses and the Joy Division to name but three and has designed a flag for the North West, because as Tony grandly says It’s necessary
Busy-body and general all round fusspot Mr Wilson has decided, along with other beautiful people from the area that us North Westerners have an identity crisis. It’s not enough to be Lancastrian, Marcher men, Cumberlander, Scouser or Mancunian – Tone reckons we need to rally to the banner of the North West…. My homeland, tear in my eye, hand on my heart….
Tony, I know this is a bit of a shock to the old ego, but I and most of the people in this Country of England don't want any more layers of parochial government. Just an English one will do, thanks very much.
Who knows, maybe Mr Wilson has press ganged Peter Hook and his New Order crew to knock up a Regional Anthem…. Royalties Tony, just think about the Royalties.
My whippet’s beginning to look distinctly nervous though, style conscious Tony is bound to want us to go upmarket with our pets – possibly getting an Afghan Hound instead. The flat cap and black pudding recipes have already been consigned to the bin…
A bit of advice to you Mr Wilson – from one North Westerner to another. Stick to reminiscing about your golden ‘Madchester’ days – and leave our sense of belonging to wherever we feel most comfy.
OR – take a course in ‘better flag designing’