Our little bit of space on the edge of the Milky Way has got just a bit more
crowded. The space boffins at Boffin HQ, Boffington have decreed there should be a planet upgrade, nine has now become twelve. A few big bouldery boulders, one in between Mars and Jupiter, and the others way out there just to the left of Pluto have now been invited into the planetary club.
They’ve even named two of the three newcomers, Ceres is the one near Mars. Charon and err, UB313 are the two near Pluto.
But there’s a problem. Planet UB313 doesn’t really sound very poetic does it? I mean, Gustav Holst could, I suppose expand his Planet Suite to include Ceres and Charon, but UB313? It sounds more like a form you get from Social Security….
Maybe there should be a competition – ‘Name that Planet’… or could someone sponsor it? Welcome to the planet of Big Mac… or Disney might want to buy it and call it ‘Goofy’ to go with neighbour Pluto…..
But I’ve had an idea. The closest planet to UB313 is ‘Charon’ – and I’ve thought of a great name that would go really well with planet ‘Charon'.....
Planet ‘Wayne’……